Bug Out / Get Home Bags & Every Day Carry
The most important bug out / get home items to have is a full tank of gas and $100.00 or more in cash. Create a good habit of keeping your gas tank get above 1/2 full. Credit cards will not work and cash can get you things you need to get home or to a safe place while every one else is in shock.
People living in the suburbs have more time to assemble these items in their car because their goal may be to get home verses get out of town.
Bug out bags do not have to be overwhelming and the stuff dose not have to be in carrying strap bags. Go to wall mart and get some tubs and start filling them with stuff you have in your closets. Later on you can find strollers, carts and diaper bags at the DAV / Goodwill or on sale.
For those living in the inner city and apartments here is my list.
Summer and Winter Clothes
Rain / vinyl coats, hooded sweat shirts, socks, boots and walking shoes.
Light weight and heavy coveralls if you have to walk home from work.
Medium size stroller if you have to abandon your car or to roll around inside the FEMA camp.
Cellphone and table chargers, battery powered and solar cell phone charges and USB cables. Flashlights and extra batteries. A small 12 volt to 110 volt power inverter to charge the laptop and run a small TV and video games for the kids.
Stuffed animals for young children and board games for teenager going through internet withdrawal.
12 volt air compressor, 12 volt battery jumper box, Jumper cables, two yellow safety vest, cans of fix a flat, toe rope / strap. Spare tire inflated. Practice with jack and lug nuts at the tire shop and check to see if the lug nuts have not been over tighten by the air in pack driver. Carry a cheater bar and make sure you can get the lug nuts to turn.
First aid kit, over the counter medicine bag with cold, fever, diarrhea, heartburn, and allergy medicine. Ladies in child bearing years supplies. Medications you take daily.
Toilet paper, baby wipes, trash bags, zip lock bags, cleaning supplies, sunblock and bug spray.
Bathing bag with towels, soap, shampoo and deodorant.
Tent, sleeping bags, water life straws, camp stove, newspaper, matches in a zip lock bag and stick lighters. Wasp spray. ( This can also be used as a hidden in plan sight weapon. )
When you start prepping to bug out of the city set a goal of having a pop up camper or a small lawn service trailer to carry the generator and your 50 gallons of gasoline.
Two cases of bottled water and bottle water Gatorade packs.
Print out a list of items that need to go into the car when the bug out time comes and keep it on the refrigerator. The most important item is a list of current medications in there prescription bottles to show the pharmacist or the medical person at the FEMA camp.
Have your photo album and prized personal item in a tub. Take a picture of your items in your home to file an insurance claim. Take a picture of or take with your person documents.
Keep your extra can goods, can opener, seasoning, and camping food that you like to eat in a tub ready to put in the car to bug out.
Practice camping to test your bug out skills and supplies.
If you are living in the inner city or apartment
and you have to bug out to another town then your bug out vehicle should be a four-door sedan with a good gas mileage. You will have to be organized and creative with your tubs in the trunk. Have one tub in the back seat with stuff you use often.
If you live in the suburbs then a minivan with the rear seats folded down or removed gives you room for your tubs, bags and carts.
Every personal and work vehicle must have some bug out / get home supplies.
Back to the part about a bug out bags not being an overwhelming task. Once you start filling your tubs the project will get easier.
This is also stuff you will be using once it is in your car. For example. Your wear your heals to the office and then someone says. Lets go for a walk in the park after work. Your summer clothes are in your bug out bag.
Your feet get wet on the job site. Warm socks and shoes are in the get home bag. The boss sends you out to work in the hot sun. Sunblock, water and Gatorade packs are in the truck.
You start having chills and fever at the office. Cough drops are in the medicine bag in the car.
You are running around the job site / facility and your cell phone is at 1/3 battery charge and you have an important call coming in. You remember that your back up cell phone battery block is in your get home bag. You go to the truck and start changing it up.
At the office you remember buying five cell phone battery blocks and five UBS changing cables to connected the battery block to the phone for your kids and the get home car bags when they were on sale. Did I put that fifth one in in my desk drawer? I did and now it is charging up.
Every day carry items for guys and gals in their pockets / purses should be a knife, cash, weapon you have training with and extra cell phone battery.
Cargo pants with lots of pocket are good for guys and gals who want to leave their purse in the car.
If you are a person that carries a laptop computer bag then you can put some of your every day carry stuff in there.
Stuff you take out of your bags needs to be replace. This will keep you adding and reorganizing your stuff as you used it.