Jack Spirko "The Survival Podcast"
I have selected the best episodes for new preppers
Do a Internet search of the episode title to bring up a link.
Episode-1886- Samuel Culper on SHTF Intelligence
Episode-1889- Listener Feedback
How to set priorities and organize your time when it comes to projects
Episode-1895- Developing the Skill of Self Leadership
Episode-1908- Listener Calls
An important survival lesson about hospitals and emergencies
Episode-1910- Listener Feedback
An update on our prior segment on emergencies, hospitals and ambulance service
How over reliance on your preps can bite you in the ass
Episode-1911- You Have a Duty to Be Prepared
Episode-1913- Listener Feedback
When do you take a “side hustle” to full business status
A new, simple, cool, easy way to meet the new neighbors
Thoughts on a concept like “prep failure of the week”
Episode-1914- The Challenge of Getting Others on Board with Prepping
Episode-1916- Listener Calls
Balancing the reality of dangers with logic and reason
The advantages of bug out locations (second homes)
Thoughts on lightly used refrigerators and freezers
Episode-1920- Camping for Becoming More Prepared in Life
Episode-1923- Making Homemade Liqueurs and More
Episode-1927- Listener Feedback
Prepping pays off in a “everyday” disaster for a TSP listener
Balancing prepping with minimalism
Episode-1931- Listener Feedback
Dealing with school bullies, what is a parent to do
Episode-1934- Listener Calls
When to get law enforcement involved with child bullying
Another TSP listener launches a business
Storing produce in larger quantities
Episode-1939- Listener Calls
Could technology be the solution to bullying
Episode-1941- Listener Feedback
Why we enjoy discussions when we disagree with a person
​The danger of going way over board with prepping and projects
Episode-1942- Edible Ornamentals – Growing Food in Plain Site Even in an HOA
Episode-1947- Spirko’s 12 Rules of Business
Episode-1952- Before You Can Follow Your Passion – You Have to Find It
Episode-1957- The Beginners Guide to Growing Food
Episode-1959- Listener Feedback
My rules for dealing with contractors
Episode-1964- Listener Calls
Canning meat and following procedure to the letter
Food storage in warm and humid climates
How to choose a car for your needs
Episode-1966- Listener Feedback
Why prepping the wrong way leads to falling out and being unprepared
Preparedness for “snow birds” or anyone who lives seasonally
Being prepared pays off for a listener and his family
Episode-1968- Listener Calls
The answer to “I don’t need to prep, guns are all I need, I will take what I want”
Episode-1970- Listener Feedback
Selecting ammo for newbies
Episode-1972- 20 Things Every Child Should Know How To Do By Age 14
Episode-1976- Why I Switched to Aquaponics
Episode-1981- Stranded Vehicle Successful MacGyver Stories
Episode-1985- Listener Feedback
Would you pay $1,000 a month to live in a bus, here is why someone might
How do you set pricing for any product or service
Episode-1986- Perennial Vegetables for your Homestead
Episode-1987- Urban Survival with “Pat Watson”
Episode-1988- Listener Calls
What is the urban rural fringe and what makes it so awesome
The dangers of bad doctors
Episode-1993- Listener Calls
Storing diapers for SHTF in more ways than one
The difficult decision of putting parents into a care facility
The consequences of changing words and their definitions
Episode-2000- How Liberty Creates Inequality and Why that is Good
Episode-2002- Listener Calls
Getting rid of and treating poison ivy
Episode-2004- Listener Feedback
Dealing with lack luster garden production
Episode-2011- Listener Calls
A listener describes a treatment for poison ivy
Episode-2014- Bennett Tanton on Prepping and Working with Veterans
Episode-2015- Listener Calls
To self dehydrate or to buy dehydrated foods
Episode-2029- Listener Calls
Tips on securing your home
Episode-2031- Listener Feedback
Motorcycles as a back up vehicle
How to be a disciplined saver, vs. looking for a trick to save money
Episode-2032- Planning Your Future When the Future is Uncertain
Episode-2033- Benjamin Page on The Pillars of Wellness
Episode-2042- Listener Calls
Avoiding the self employment trap as an entrepreneur
Episode-2047- Listener Calls
Dealing with wasp stings
Episode-2062- Listener Calls
Buying a home with an existing farm/enterprise on it
Getting started prepping for 100 bucks
Bugging out with small children
Episode-2078- Listener Feedback
How to “bug out” to a hotel
A listener shares her story about how the TSP community has helped her
Episode-2096- Decision Making with Logic and Reason
Episode-2101- Dr. Ken Berry on Lies Your Doctor Told You
Episode-2112- Listener Feedback
What I do when it comes to deep frying
Choosing a grinder, adding fat and best grinding practices
What specifically makes “processed foods” so bad for you
Episode-2117- Steven Harris and Jack Spirko on Bug Out Trailers
Episode-2137- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 2
Episode-2160- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 3
Episode-2176- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 4
Episode-2200- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 5
Episode-2214- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 6
Episode-2247- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 7
Episode-2266- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 8
Episode-2355- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 9
Episode-2379- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 10
Episode-2401- Bug Out Trailers with Spirko and Harris – Part 11
Episode-2125- Getting Started with Herbalism
Episode-2132- Listener Calls
Getting started as a new prepper without being overwhelmed
Episode-2134- Choosing Excitement and Abundance over Gloom and Doom
Episode-2138- Listener Calls
Thoughts on lethal force and duty of retreat
The economics of Uber by an Urber Eats driver – #workthesystem
The parenting of young children in the modern age
Episode-2149- Listener Calls
Pricing work for friends when you are a professional service provider
Why do I think there will be no EMP attack ever
Episode-2152- Food Production on Small Properties
Episode-2154- Listener Calls
More on doing professional work for “friends and family”
Dealing with “survival fatigue” note not “prepper fatigue”
Thoughts on the potential of work place violence and the aftermath of it
Lessons from the fake missile alert in Hawaii
Episode-2156- Listener Feedback
How to get on the same page with your spouse about debt reduction
Making decisions about expanding a business
Episode-2161- Listener Feedback
Why investing in yourself is always a solid call
Thoughts on your “net wealth”
Episode-2170- Listener Feedback
What I learned by asking the question, what is the true age of adulthood
The danger of dependency with the illusion of security
Episode-2172- Ted Kehl on Heating with Wood
Episode-2178- Listener Calls
Changing technology and building a YouTube channel
Homesteading as a renter
Episode-2180- Growing Children in the Garden
Episode-2183- Listener Feedback
A bug out bag success story
Thoughts on small scale wind power
Episode-2185- Listener Feedback
A simple preparedness success story
When to turn a side hustle into a business entity
Episode-2186- Homesteading, Side Hustles and More
Episode-2189- Listener Feedback
Dealing with conflicts about property use with neighbors
Growing food indoors for an apartment dweller
A preparedness success story
Episode- 2196- The Mindset of the Warrior Poet
Episode-2199- Listener Feedback
Choosing a “better job” with lower pay
Episode-2202- Libertarianism, Anarchism and Resource Conservation
Episode-2215- Survival Secrets of the CIA with Jason Hanson
Episode-2216- Listener Calls
Getting into food production fast on new property
An on the ground report on the volcanic activity in Hawaii
Episode-2220- Doc Bones on Modern Threats, Active Shooters and More
Talking about walking to freedom with a reluctant spouse
Episode-2228- David Benard on his Journey to Self Sufficiency
Episode-2235- Total Freedom Though Honest Personal Branding
Episode-2237- Listener Feedback
Getting a family on a budget, “one team one dream” is the way, the only way
Should we be teaching our children to be more like a spring then a tea cup
Training a dog when you have small children
Episode-2253- Dillon Allen on Nuclear Power, Anarchism, Urban Prepping and More
Episode-2254- Listener Calls
Best practices with road flares and night time break downs
What is the “best” method of gardening
Picking a homestead tractor
Security for large acreage homestead properties
Episode-2260- Listener Feedback
What a new infectious disease report tells us about pandemic threats
Episode-2261- Getting Kids Excited About Prepping and Learning
Episode-2263- Listener Calls
Negotiating the best salary you can get going in to a job
Spreading the seeds of responsible gun ownership in children
How to over winter peppers
How you actually calculate how many days of food you have stored
Episode-2270- Listener Feedback
How do you develop the eyes of entrepreneurship
Killing poison ivy with a vinegar IV
Thoughts on a “fishing class” for kids – aka herding cats
Episode-2271- The Most Valuable Skill Most People Are Never Taught
Episode-2272- Darby Simpson on Farm Business Essentials
Episode-2275- Listener Feedback
Is truck driving a good monetary on ramp for young people
Planting suburban fence lines with productive perennials
Episode-2276- Back Yard Aquaculture for Beauty and Food Production
Episode-2277- Forest Management on the Homestead with Nathan Kay
Episode-2278- Listener Calls
Thoughts on BOB food beyond granola and jerky
How to place a value on a small business
A word or two on safety with grills
Episode-2281- James Burnette on Tiny Houses for Survival
Episode-2282- Listener Calls
Living life on a well, what precautions should you take
Choosing between RO water filtration and something like a Berkey
Episode-2285- Patrick Roehrman on Escaping the Rat Race
Episode-2286- Listener Calls
Techno anarchy, truth in media and conspiracy trolls
More on tiny houses and lifestyle freedom in various ways
Running a gun business when you don’t want to sell guns to strangers
Building priorities passive solar and basements
Episode-2289- Practical Homesteading in the Modern Age
Episode-2294- What You Do Matters
Episode-2295- EDC Wearable Survival Gear with Dustin Hogard and Nick Blackman
Episode-2299- The Basics of Being Prepared for Most Things – Part One
Episode-2303- The Basics of Being Prepared for Most Things – Part Two
Episode-2300- Shawn Mills on Solar Power
Episode-2311- John Moody on Frugal Homesteading
Episode-2312- Listener Calls
Choosing a domain name in regard to dot com, net, etc.
Testing your food for nutrient density, is it even worth it
When is the right time to start promoting a side hustle
More on dogs, friends and irrational behavior
Episode 2314- Listener Feedback
I should not have to say this but do not back feed a generator to the grid
Using facebook to promote your brand/business
Getting off to a good start at a new job
Episode-2315- Why Lifestyle Design is For Everyone
Episode-2319- Listener Feedback
Are candles for a black out still relevant in the world of cheap LEDs?
Dealing with children with a “victim mentality”
Road side assistance coverage vs. AAA and rental coverage
Getting started canning
Kerosene Heater Maintenance
Episode-2320- Ten Basic Preparedness Questions Answered
Episode-2322- Listener Calls
Emergency contingencies in a high rise office
Getting family buy in on self raised meat
Episode-2325- Listener Feedback
Thoughts on using phyical cash, the good, the bad, the impractical
Episode-2327- Listener Calls
Follow up on fire danger in a high rise office building
Episode-2335- Listener Calls
What should you do when a ambulance running code is behind you
More on active shooter issues in office buildings
Episode-2337- Listener Feedback
If you could only get one gun for hunting, training and plinking what would it be
Why adding a very small amount of saline improves cocktails
Episode-2339- Nick Loper from SideHustleNation.com
Episode-2347- Listener Feedback
Of prepper groups, organization and tin hats
Episode-2348- Self Ownership Over Political Activism
Episode-2349- Doc Bones and Nurse Amy
Episode-2352- Listener Calls
Improving the efficiency of a fire place
Episode-2354- Listener Feedback
Why I now cook almost exclusively with carbon steel cookware
Episode-2357- Listener Calls
How to grow a tools collection and what not to buy used
Saving for you kids and building life establishment funds
Understanding facebook vs. Google for marketing a business
A listener gives an example of life offering no guarantees
How do you insure your family’s future as an entrepreneur
Episode-2360- The Power of the Side Hustle and Winning with Money
Episode-2364- Listener Feedback
The real lesson of the government shut down have a plan B
Of taxes, side hustles and 1099Ks
Thoughts on multiple income streams vs. multiple businesses
The struggle with fighting confirmation and perception bias
Episode-2366- Listener Calls
Getting your kids into a side hustle vs. a j-o-b
410 shot shell hand guns for home defense
More on staying informed about dangers during a flash flood
When does a side hustle need to either go full time or be scaled back
Episode-2371- Listener Calls
The importance of happiness in your life
What exactly is a modern renaissance man or polymath
Advice for a first time home owner
Episode-2394- 20 Herbs to Grow
Episode-2396- Listener Calls
When, when not to and how to set up a LLC or Inc
Developing the skill set for a project management position
Finding others who are interested in prepping and self sufficiency
Food storage without large amounts of carbohydrates
How to find a good CPA for your needs
Episode-2399- Individual Insurrection and Personal Freedom
Episode-2404- Container Gardens for Food Production
Episode-2405- Bryan and Laura Emerson on Life in a Fly In Only Location
Episode-2407- Listener Feedback
The potential of pandemic/epidemic and the commonality of disaster
Thoughts on monetizing a hobby with social media
Episode-2409- Fast, Affordable, DIY Off Grid Building with AirCrete
Episode-2410- Listener Calls
Light and heat when starting plants indoors
Balancing time with family against other demands on your time
Episode-2412- Listener Feedback
What do people most want relative to their careers, it appears to be time
Balancing helping neighbors, barter and resource limitations during a SHTF
Thoughts on gun security, safes, nervous spouses and more
Setting an improvement budget for a house you are going to sell
Episode-2417- Listener Feedback
Is your side hustle a business or a hobby
Thoughts on leaning self defense techniques like martial arts
Episode-2420- Listener Calls
Building economic strength into a new marriage
Episode-2422- Listener Feedback
Staying motivated on the long path to debt freedom
Episode-2425- The Lost Art of Developing Life Skills
Episode-2427- Listener Feedback
Organizing local groups based on TSP ideals
Episode-2430- The Death of Personal Responsibility
Episode-2432- Listener Feedback
Creating mutual aid groups or how about simply networks
Episode-2433- Understanding Systemic vs. Natural Capitalism
Episode-2434- Melissa Clark on CBDs and Assuring the Safety of CBD Products
Episode-2437- Listener Feedback
How one listener took a TSP episode’s advice and turned it into 2K in free money
A lesson from the Ebola outbreak that really has nothing to do with Ebola
Developing responsibility in children using chores and allowances
Episode-2438- Walking to Freedom and or Escaping the Rat Race
Rural law enforcement vs. suburban/urban law enforcement
Fire considerations with a multi story home
Some considerations with underground structures such as buoyancy
Keeping up with technology when your position isn’t tech heavy
How can you apply “the problem is the solution” to government
Episode-2443- Financial Strategies for the Modern Survivalist
Episode-2444- Joel Karsten on Straw Bale Gardens
Episode-2448- Gary Collins on Decluttering Your Life
Episode-2449- Listener Calls
More on finding a good primary care MD and why its difficult in the first place
Is there a coming food crisis, it depends on how you define crisis
Episode-2452- Setting Up a Secondary Property (BOL)
Episode-2453- Joshua Sheets on Surviving and Thriving in an Economic Collapse
Episode-2454- Choosing the 6 Basic Guns that Cover 99% of What Anyone Needs
Episode-2462- Listener Feedback
When do you need to get insurance for a side hustle
My favorite books on sales and business
Selling the Invisible – Harry Beckwith
Swim with the Sharks – Harvey Mackay
Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki
The Psychology of Selling – Brian Tracy
Good to Great – Jim Collins
7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey
Leaders Eat Last – Simon Sinek
Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Richard Bach
The Celestine Prophecy – James Redfield
Episode-2463- Six Laws to Live Your Life By
Episode-2465- Listener Feedback
Follow up on side hustle insurance and a caution on leased vehicles
Episode-2471- 25 Items that Should be in Your Vehicle at all Times
Episode-2478- Listener Calls Start at 1:02:30
The trouble with out of site out of mind ( prepping food and equipment. )
Episode-2488- Listener Feedback
What do you do if you end up in an active shooter situation
A lesson for above, how gun owners saved a fellow shooter during an accident
Thoughts on “doggie doors” in regard to security, energy, etc
Episode-2489- Dealing with Life’s Transitions
Episode-2490- Growing Food in Small Spaces
Episode-2493- Listener Feedback
How could a libertarian make a difference on a town council
Rebuilding if you have lost everything
Dealing with suspicious activity on your property boundary
Episode-2494- 10 Low Carb Meals and How to Make Them
Episode-2496- Listener Calls
Going back to work after a long period of unemployment or being a solo entrepreneur
Episode-2503- The Keto – Low Carb – Paleo Gardener
​Episode-2506- Modern Survivalism and Your Six Primary Survival Needs
Episode-2511- Freestyle Day TSP Start at 54:43
The rising danger of drone warfare
Episode-2515- Listener Feedback
EDC ideas for a delivery driver who can’t carry a “weapon”
A Prager U video on how the government made us fat
A free market success that made a bad situation a little better
Why PPE (personal protective equipment) belongs in your life
Episode-2516- Total Lifestyle Health for Modern Survival
Episode-2521- Solutions to Some of Our Biggest Problems
Episode-2522- The Serenity Bus Project with Brian and Sherry Hamons
Episode-2523- What if Everyone Did What they Most Want to Do
Episode-2525- Listener Feedback
The math alone says you should be a prepper
Episode-2529- Listener Feedback
Health risks of indoor grow lights
Dealing with insect pests in the house, including the
painful stinging kind
Episode-2532- More about the Toolbox Fallacy
Episode-2537- Listener Calls
The real danger of “everybody knows” thinking
The concept of the perimeter defense rifle and solutions looking for problems
Episode-2539- 12 Basic Prepping Questions Answered
Episode-2540- 10 Life Skills We Should Teach Every Child
Episode-2555- Planning and Skill Development in the Coming Down Time
Episode-2560- Raised Bed Gardening for Dummies
Episode-2580- 5 Laws of Life For Personal Freedom
Episode-2592- Integrating Nature into Our Lives
Episode-2594- Listener Feedback
Can there be a downside to being a “tacticool” prepper if you are ever arrested by the police
Episode-2595 – Projects for Home Learning for Wanna Be Home Schoolers
Episode-2597 – No One Will Give you Anything in Life & That’s Great
Episode-2604- The Expert Council 2-21-20 Start at 45:30
What might we see from 2nd amendment show downs like Virginia – Officer Steve Wise.
Jack Spirko comments on new proposed gun laws in Virginia.
What the media and the left fail to understand about he
concept of “the boogaloo” – Jack
Episode-2606- Topic Round Table Discussion with Nick Ferguson
Episode-2607- Curtis Stone on Living Free on the Land
Episode-2613- Why Homesteading is one of the best “Preps” you can Make
​Episode-2616- The Lessons America Should be Learning from CoVid-2019
Episode-2620- James White on Hydroponics for Small Space Growing
Episode-2621- Nicole Sauce on Side Hustles during the Crisis
Episode-2624- Now is the Time to Grow Your Own Food
Episode-2625- Stories of Off Grid Living, Adventure and ReGen Ag with Eddy Garcia
Episode-2626- Simple, Fast and Easy Kratky Hydroponics for Growing Food
Episode-2629- On Cooking with Your Preps
Episode-2630- Keeping a Family Cow and Still Having a Life
Episode-2631- A New Look at Back Yard Livestock
Episode-2636- John Bush on Boosting Immunity and CoVid-19 Impacts
Episode-2638- Listener Feedback
Freezing vs. canning as a vegetable storage solution for excess garden production
When you go into market gardening but realize how much work it really is and don’t know what to do next
Episode-2641- A New Look at “Bug Out Locations” in the Context of Pandemic Threat
Episode-2644- Establishing Your “Why” for Homeschooling
Episode-2649- Tim Cook on Starting a Handy Man Business
Episode-2652- Backyard Ponds for Fish, Fun, Food and Frogs
Episode-2653- Developing Your Personal Recovery Plan
Episode-2658- House Hunting in a Buyers Market
Episode-2659- Insurance for your Home and Homestead
Episode-2663- Developing Your Personal Counter Economics Game Plan
Episode-2664- Derek Malenczak on Improving your Mental Health
Episode-2668- Joseph Simcox on Edible Plants of the World
Episode-2669- 12 Really Cool Plants Inspired by Joseph Simcox
Episode-2671- 12 Easy Productive Summer Plants and the Best Ways to Store Them
Episode-2678 – The Ultimate Conversation on Children and Technology
Episode-2681- The Problem is the Solution if you Correctly Define the Problem
Episode-2683- Jeff Yago on Prepping for EMPs and CMEs
Episode-2684- The Time to Build Independent Income has Long Since Come
Episode-2704- Resist Domestication and Become a Feral Human
Episode-2705- Emergency Management Planning with Chris Gilmour
Episode-2709- Eggs the Back Yard Protein that Fed Americans for Generations
Episode-2710- Carla Gericke on Strategic Relocation to New Hampshire
Episode-2711- 24 Bullet Proof Plants for the Back Yard Hunter Gatherer
Episode-2713- Nicole Sauce on Lessons From the CoVid Pandemic
Episode-2719- 20 Skills and Actions you Really Need for the Coming Future
Episode-2722- Round Table Topics for 8-31-20
More on my message to stay out of this conflict and get out of the cities
It isn’t just about not getting physically hurt, it is also about your investments
Episode-2723- An Introduction to Permaculture Design Principles and Zones of Design
Episode-2724- There is a Better Way to do This
Episode-2728- Finding your Why and your Passion
Episode-2731- Liberty By Lifestyle Design
Episode-2736- Back Yard Aquatics as a Permaculture Design Element
Episode-2737- Dr. Ken Berry and Jack Spirko on the Proper Human Diet